Our Ministry Teams are a great way to share your ideas and gifts, ask questions, and get involved.
Fellowship and Evangelism Team
The mission of the Evangelism and Fellowship Team is twofold: 1) to create opportunities and assist members of Zion with their call to reach out with the Gospel and invite others to be part of our community of faith, and 2) to plan and implement opportunities to strengthen the social relationships among those members and friends already connected to Zion. Some of the activities planned by the Fellowship and Evangelism Team include:
- coffee and treats after worship each week, and an ongoing book and puzzle exchange
- the annual Church Picnic, Easter Breakfast, and Birthday Bash
- special recognition for Mother’s and Father’s Days
- prayer request cards available in the pews
Youth and Family Ministries Team
Stewardship Ministry Team
Ten percent of Zion’s total worship income is directed toward our annual benevolence giving. That total is split between designated and undesignated recipients. Agencies that receive our designated benevolence are voted upon by the congregation at the Annual meeting each January. The remaining undesignated benevolence is the responsibility of the Stewardship Ministry Team, which reviews requests for funding each quarter and recommends recipients and amounts to the Church Council for approval. In this way, Zion supports organizations that focus on both Lutheran and Non-Lutheran Christian Outreach, Local Community support, and Education. In addition, the Stewardship Ministry Team leads our congregation in support of Vine Maple Place, Compass Housing Alliance, KentHOPE, and the Kent Food Bank. Our Helping Hands group prepares and delivers meals and offers words of hope and encouragement to members of the Zion community that need a helping hand.
Worship and Music Ministry Team
The mission of the Worship and Music Ministry Team is to enrich the worship life of our church by giving leadership, counsel, and guidance in matters pertaining to regular and special worship services, as well as church music. They also encourage and organize congregation-member’s participation in worship as greeters, ushers, liturgists, musicians, communion assistants, and Scripture readers.
Property Management and Technology Ministry Team
Zion is blessed with a large parcel of property that includes three houses, the Sunshine Mountain Preschool building, the education building, and the church sanctuary and office spaces. Maintaining our campus by repairing and replacing what is needed, and implementing safety and security measures, keeps the Property Management Team very busy. The Technology arm of this ministry team focuses on maintaining the church’s hardware/software (i.e. sound system, mics, phones, and computers) and social media presence (website, Facebook, Instagram).