(253) 631-0100 office@zionkent.org

+ Rally Day is on September 8. Be there to kick off another great Sunday School year! Classes begin September 15th. Please find Sunday School registration forms under Resources - Forms.

+ Worship online anytime on Zion's  YouTube channel

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Zion Lutheran Church Service

Join Us in Receiving God’s Word of Grace, Hope, and Freedom

Who we are:

Zion Lutheran is part of the larger body of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (or LCMC).  We are blessed with 320 baptized members. Our church membership is evolving, bringing younger families into an established base of long-standing parishioners.

We’ve recently established new goals for our church body, focusing on these areas:

  • Community outreach
  • Education
  • Fellowship
  • Member care
  • Music
  • Social media
  • Technology
  • Increased youth involvement

These goals have energized us to plan for the future with discipleship and trust in the love and guidance of the Holy Spirit. We hope to reach out and bring the word of God to a rapidly growing, diverse community.

Our Mission Statement:

With God’s help we will:

REJOICE in our salvation as a gift. We will respond thankfully through joyful worship, winsome witness, steadfast stewardship, and by encouraging others to share their gifts to the glory of God.

RENEW the spiritual life of our members through education, fellowship, worship, caring, and through activities that challenge and support God’s people in their daily lives. We will remember and treasure our Lutheran heritage as it stands within the Christian tradition, recalling our baptismal covenant and endeavoring to live in that covenant.

REACH OUT to the diverse community around Zion by becoming aware of the community’s needs and striving to meet those needs. We will be open to change and willing to accept one another. We will continue a strong education commitment, and we will share our faith in God by living Christ-centered lives.